Friday, October 11, 2013

Saving the Squirrely Species

Dear students of the prestigious University of Notre Dame,

            As autumn begins to creep in from the North and leaves spiral down from the branches of innumerable trees, pudgy and brash squirrels bury their sacred nuts within the chilled ground.  These tiny critters eye passing students expectantly, pleading for some more nuts or a spare chocolate bar to tubby up their body for the oncoming winter. Despite their desperate, silent plea, you must avoid feeding the local wildlife in order to perverse the environment that Notre Dame has incorporated into its campus. 
            With their adorable black eyes and orange-tinged tails, the creatures that invade the entire campus are hard to resist as they brazenly approach shocked students for a tiny bite of a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.  Their limited intelligence, however, does not instruct their squirrely little minds that not all food is appropriate for their digestive system.  Squirrel stomachs are unequipped to handle excessive amounts of pizza, grilled cheese sandwiches, and other human foods that end up between their tiny paws.  Partaking in the indulgences of unhealthy food will result in obesity amongst the squirrel population, and the spread of this horrendous disease could potentially lead to the extinction of the Notre Dame sub-species of squirrel.  The duty of protecting these rodents from the dangers of an incorrect diet rest on your shoulders, and through the entire community’s assistance, the mental health of these creatures can also be enhanced.
            When a tiny squirrel begs patiently for the piece of French fry hanging out of a student’s mouth, the minuscule rodent cannot calculate the harm that a greasy piece of potato will cause to its natural mentality.  As the squirrel receives food from caring students rushing to their next class from South Dining Hall, the critter begins to take the easy route in life, and it will constantly plead for food from passersby and loose its natural instincts to hunt out the hidden nuts and berries that lie within the confines of the campus.  The mentality needed to survive and thrive within an abundant squirrel population deteriorates with each bite in a thrown-away sandwich; the squirrels reliant on such food begin to die out and the ecosystem crumbles with the loss of each precious life.  By feeding the essential wildlife, you are not giving a loving hand to those who are sharing the same campus, but you are slowly destroying the ecosystem through their shear ignorance to the squirrels’ lifestyles. 
            To prevent utter catastrophe from reigning down upon the squirrel’s population, you first must steel your will when crossing paths with your fellow quad mates.  Even though a squirrel sitting with shining, hopeful eyes trained on a bagel in your hands may seem completely helpless, you must ignore this plea for the betterment of the ecosystem as whole.  By resisting the tempting stares of the brown and gray rodents, you would save an entire society of squirrels from becoming lost to the harms of human food.  Also, avoid from throwing away food products in the trash cans that line the quads that could poison these creatures that share our Alma Mater.  Squirrels have been seen digging through the trash for delicate morsels of wasted food in order to quench their cravings for human food, and by disposing of your food waste through dumpsters or simply in trash bins located inside, you can save the lives of countless squirrels who would be tempted by your waste.

            As winter approaches and the chill air rushing through the branches heralds the coming snow, the squirrels of Notre Dame scurry to dig up the nuts they had buried during the fall months, for they have not succumbed to the dangers of a human diet due to your inadvertent actions.  

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Flawed Family

Staring up at the Golden Dome in all of its splendor and majesty from the picturesque point in front of the university’s founder astounds visitors and students alike, for a building invoking such wonder and awe must symbolize the near perfection of the university.  Those who wander this campus can tend to view Notre Dame as a utopia, a haven for brilliant minds within the dark depths of the world.  The beautiful grounds combined with austere edifices display a sense of academic prowess and tradition, and complex sports arenas and homely dorms represent aspects of community and family.  From a student’s perspective, however, Notre Dame is far from a utopia; the university is a place of imperfection infused with a kaleidoscope of emotion.
            A utopia is commonly defined as an ideal society in which each individual within the community is perfect and conflict never uprises from the ranks of the oppressed.  On planet Earth, not a single utopia exists, and Notre Dame cannot be an exception to this assumption.  The university has an innumerable amount of issues that trouble the college’s caretakers, causing these rulers of the society under the Dome to shatter the university’s sliver of a chance to flawless.  Not every situation works in favor of Notre Dame, and the academics, sports, and arts that the university promotes are far from the perfection required to qualify the University as a utopia.  Each aspect of Notre Dame is pocketed with mishaps despite its Catholic name, and the false sense of utopia brought about by nostalgic alumni only increases the university’s “non-utopian” aspect. All humanity and all that humanity constructs contains errors and mishaps, and this university, while seemingly perfect, is peppered with countless wrongdoings that are caused by the people who inhabit its encompassing grasp.
            The main proponent of Notre Dame’s failure to be a utopia is the people who reside and work within the University’s walls.  Students fail to complete homework accurately and struggle to simply find the time to accomplish the tasks at hand; faculty members stumble as they attempt to convey knowledge to their exhausted students.  Roommates disagree and battle over areas of their tiny, shared space, adamant to retain a portion of their room in order feel the tiniest bit of comfort at the end of the day.  As friends work through difficult homework together, they constantly bicker and remain stalwart in their convictions in order to boost their egos.  Each student competes against the next, and the sense of community that the University brags about vanishes as classmates hurt classmates solely to better themselves and to receive the greatest “opportunities” when they graduate.  Theft and violence occur on a daily basis, and verbal abuse takes place between the closest of friends.  Discord runs rampant under the guise of tranquility, and the isolated world of Notre Dame dwells in the false pretense that the university can make a utopia in a world enveloped in imperfection.
            Despite the university not being a utopia and that evil is present among its ranks, Notre Dame still a wonderful and awe-inspiring haven to those who understand and accept its ways.  No area in the world can be a perfect utopia, without issues and strife, but a place can still be a sanctuary to those seeking a home to study and mature in mind, body, and spirit.  Notre Dame is one of those few refuges left on Earth in modern society, and for this reason, those who have experienced the magnificence of this university realize its impact of life even though the Notre Dame is not a utopia.

            Glinting brilliantly in the golden, setting sun, the picturesque Dome enshrouded the entire campus in its yellow light, displaying the true beauty that is imperfection.